I feel so sad.
It shouldn't end in this way. I know it's hard and you're hurt.
Friend, i've known you for 5 years. I can understand how is your feeling now.
You don't use to show your sadness on face, but i know your heart's broken.
When i see you, i take your sorrow as my sorrow because i care you very much.
Friendship. Shouldn't be like this. I'm so surprised with the truth . When you were telling us your feeling, your true heart of treating the ones you love. It was really touching. And i know you care! Because they are your DEAREST, but you choose to let go at the end, no matter how hurt it is...
Well.That's the decision you've made, i'm here to support you.
I can't stand for seeing you endure all of this and acting like you're strong.
Trial exam is coming. I worry you more than others.
A thousands of WHY in my mind now!
I really don't understand.
='( It's not the friendship i want .
I rather to be the nooby. I rather to close my eyes, my ears not to see not to listen!
It's just something i cannot accept.
A little excitement will lead you to a wrong way! WHY ?
++There's something cannot be erased in our hearts. Even though i choose to forgive but the scar is still there . It will be the part of my memories when i leave , and i will bring this along for the rest of my life. ++